Monday, July 23, 2012

The 12 month itch!

Just heard this when i was having a 12 month itch:
 Google Chrome Now the No. 1 Browser in the World.

Have been facing a few problems with version 19 of Chrome - it would crash every now & then. But v20 of Google seems to be stable. So i'm going to stay with it for some more time.

Meanwhile, Firefox has shown some great improvements and v14 looks promising.
Until then, watch this:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dear Firefox,

I have been loyal to you since ages. Of late, i have been worried about you.
Don't know what it is, but something is definitely wrong with you.  
You think that you are the smartest browser in the world and that everybody else is stupid, but that’s not how things really are. You don't listen to me anymore... Why?
I don't feel the spark in our relationship anymore!

On the other hand, Google Chrome is much faster & lighter.
Chrome never keeps me waiting, makes me happy. :)
In case you still didn't get it, i am moving on to Chrome.

I sincerely wish that you get back to your usual self. Till then, i hope you find someone who'll stand your habits.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Using Google effectively

Did u know that you could use Google for mathematical calculations?
[Try typing in 5*2 and hit Enter. Or a more complicated sin (90 degrees)]

You can also use it to convert currencies. [Try 5 USD in euros]

Like the result?
Wait...there's more!

A little known feature is the wildcard operator * which may be used as a placeholder for unknown terms.
[Try Einstein invented * on the *]

If you are looking for something specific on a particular website, you could always try the site: keyword.
For instance, inflation returns pages on inflation from
Notice that there is no space after site:
You can also use this keyword to filter out results from specific domains. Let's say you wish to find results only from India - all you have to do is type in inflation

But my favorite feature is the define keyword to improve my vocabulary.
[e.g. define falafel]

You could do a lot more with your favorite search engine.
Try this link for more.

Do let me know if you discover anything interesting...

Friday, April 30, 2010

Very soon, you'll be intuitively forming groups over the internet by skipping structures.
In other words, you'll just have your own circle of friends with similar tastes (likes / dislikes) across websites. At least Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg thinks so.
He recently outlined his 'Open Graph' vision which is similar to what semantic recognition technologies like Glue do to simplify social networking.
In Zuckerberg's words , "...the web can become a set of personally and semantically meaningful connections between people and things."

Read the full story here: 
Zuckerberg outlines Facebook's 'Open Graph' vision

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Machine networks: The future?
Internet of things to come
Sounds like a sci-fi movie!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Firefox 3.6 has been released. It is more than 20 percent faster than Firefox 3.5
To download, just visit
To check out what's new, visit

Monday, October 19, 2009

Life logs?

Have you ever felt like archiving your entire life - every moment of it?
Would u like to create a life log rather than a blog?

If yes, here's a gadget that will help you do that. A camera you can wear as a pendant to record your life.
Read the entire story here.