Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Using Google effectively

Did u know that you could use Google for mathematical calculations?
[Try typing in 5*2 and hit Enter. Or a more complicated sin (90 degrees)]

You can also use it to convert currencies. [Try 5 USD in euros]

Like the result?
Wait...there's more!

A little known feature is the wildcard operator * which may be used as a placeholder for unknown terms.
[Try Einstein invented * on the *]

If you are looking for something specific on a particular website, you could always try the site: keyword.
For instance, inflation site:www.time.com returns pages on inflation from www.time.com.
Notice that there is no space after site:
You can also use this keyword to filter out results from specific domains. Let's say you wish to find results only from India - all you have to do is type in inflation site:.in

But my favorite feature is the define keyword to improve my vocabulary.
[e.g. define falafel]

You could do a lot more with your favorite search engine.
Try this link for more.

Do let me know if you discover anything interesting...